It is said that you should wright down your dream as soon as you wake up so that you don't lose it.
I dreamed that My parents and I were at Target shopping for a Halloween punchbowl. Something about monsters must be on the bowl... I don't recall. We were all in costume. Mom was a hobo. again. Dad was something with overalls that he claimed was a costume. again. I was eight feet tall (stilts) in long diapherous robes. I had clawed extensions on my hands that closed when I pulled the handles in them and my face was covered with a one way mirrored glass. Between the glass layers was a series of twinkling lights set up like an infinity mirror. (So the lights seemed to twinkle far deeper then the space in the hood would allow). It was very cool. But not the coolest thing in the dream.
While shopping I found a clothes armwar designed to look like a medieval castle. It had the appearance of black stones covered in traces of dead ivy but was actually foam rubber over a wooden frame. It was seven feet tall with four ten inch wide buttresses at the corners. In the center of the front was a porcilups covered draw bridge. Each buttress opened into a tower. The left one had shelves for movies, CDs and the like ant the right one was set up to hold belts, ties or necklaces with several drawers down below. The back two opened from the outside as well by more hidden latches onto more drawers. The portcullis raised to revel a black surface that opened like a door. The surface was actually the back side of a full length mirror with thin shelves opposite it. The entire portillups section was set in the draw bridge which also opened door like to reveal a four foot wide four foot deep interior with clothes hanging bars high up and shelves down below on either side. There was a false back of the castle that opened to reveal more shelving. (To the depth of the back external towers).
I don't normally dream of clothes armwars I assure you, but I love everything goth looking so that's my excuse for dreaming of this. It was cool.